manatee and diver underwater crystal river

More than 100 Spring Vents opened in 2021’s Crystal River Cleanup

By Florida's Original NatureCoaster™ Posted on December 14, 2021

The biology team with Sea and Shoreline completed a spring vent count of all areas cleaned this year in the Kings Bay Restoration project areas.

💧106 spring vents were found, ranging from small sand boilers to small spring vents.
💧One small sand boiler was found.
💧Eight spring vents and sand boilers were found.
💧Two small sand boilers were uncovered.

Each of these vents and boilers help Kings Bay stay healthy, providing fresh, clear water from Florida’s aquifer.

More than 100 Spring Vents opened in 2021’s Crystal River Cleanup

But the job is not finished. 

Save Crystal River, Inc. is a nonprofit citizens group that has worked tirelessly to organize and raise funds to clean up Crystal River’s beautiful aquatic ecosystem.

Its ongoing goals include:

  • Complete the 92 acre restoration project
  • Continue to increase the number of spring vents opened, currently at 700+ spring vents
  • Continue to replant native seagrass – over 52 acres already completed
  • Continue removal of invasive Lyngbya algae – more than 10 tons already removed
  • Improve water clarity, food supply, and shelter for 100’s of aquatic animals – fish, manatees, crabs, and turtles are already benefiting in restored areas
  • Make Kings Bay clean and clear again for current and future generations!

As you are winding down your year, consider making a donation to this grassroots organization to help improve and maintain the beauty of Florida’s Nature Coast now and for the future. Click here to donate.



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